Microscopie Imagerie Cytométrie Azur
Author | Frédéric Brau (brau at ipmc.cnrs.fr) | ||
History | 2012: First version | ||
Limitations | Works with microscopy widefield phase contrast XY+t 8,16 bits stacks of TIF images | ||
Source | Scratched_area | ||
Installation | Download Scratched_area.ijm to the plugins folder Restart ImageJ to add the "Scratched area" command to the Plugins menu. |
Description | This macro is dedicated to the wound healing analysis which measures the surface colonization by cells in a kinetic experiment. It measures the cell-free surface during time. After an illumination correction, the borders of the cellular mat are detected by an edge filtering followed by a gaussian filter. After an semi-manual intensity thresholding of the cell-free surface, it is measured with an exclusion threshold corresponding to 1% of the area measured in the previous image. A plot of the surface decrease is displayed as well as superimposing of the detected/measured area on the original stack. To try the macro with a dedicated use case : Stack_test_wound_healing